About Us

MAS Lighthouse Daycare provides a safe, learning enriched, environment for children ages 2-5 years.  Kids learn through play, environmental discovery, and a tailored core curriculum. 

All classes are led and supervised by certified teachers that use their passion, dedication, education, and experience to help children reach their greatest potential.

Our program is designed to integrate unique STEAM (an educational approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics) learning experiences.

A strong focus is placed on the children's individual skills; with a program aimed to develop their Cognitive, Physical and Social-emotional development, as well as their Language and Sensory motor skills designed and tailored by a team of Educators, Speech, Occupational and Physical therapists. 

The facility is equipped with indoor and outdoor play areas, state of the art daycare equipment, nature sections in each room with live plants/organisms, 
security video monitoring (police precinct next door providing optimal location safety), and a supportive team that will help parents keep track of their children's growth and development within the Lighthouse program.
Breakfast and lunch is included.

MAS Lighthouse Daycare's goal is to provide the very best developmental experience for your children while keeping our prices as affordable as possible for all of the hardworking and dedicated parents that join our Lighthouse family. Reach out to learn more about our program and how you can sign up your little future scientist today!


We are professional educators with a wide background of experience working together to provide a warm, loving and nurturing learning environment for children.  We share a vision of peace both within the child as well as throughout the classroom environment.  We strive to meet the needs of each individual child while demonstrating that they are loved, cared for, and respected.  By providing this type of care within an environment conducive to learning, children will become loving, compassionate, respectful human beings with a desire and love for learning. 

At, Lighthouse children ages 2-5 will learn through play, environmental discovery and a tailored core curriculum. Our facility is equipped with indoor and outdoor play areas, state of the are daycare equipment, nature sections in each room with live plants/organisms with safety first in mind- We also offer security and video monitoring. Children are naturally inclines to play and talk; in our inclusive classrooms we all learn from one another. We use Developmentally appropriate practices which means teaching in ways that match the way children naturally develop and learn. 

According to the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), developmentally appropriate practice provides children with opportunities to learn and practice newly acquired skills.  It offers challenges just beyond the level of the child’s present mastery and takes place “in the context of a community where children are safe and valued where their physical needs are met, and where they feel psychologically secure.”  The Creative Curriculum values and highlights the important balance between applying a general knowledge of child development with the particular knowledge a teacher gains by forming a relationship with each individual child and family.